This exhibition runs until 16 June. Mon - Fri 10am to 5pm, Sat 11am - 2pm.
Pictured, detail of 'Ladybird' by Carmen Brown. Please use the following link for more impressions of this show. Thank you.
We are delighted to feature in our Foyer Nelson based artist Jason McCormick with his delicate & intriguing works on 'illusion' - may it be power, control or authenticity - with an intention to unmask reality and that not all is what it seem. Work credit: The Briefcase, photograph. #JasonMcCormick #photography #art #illusion #RefineryArtSpace #Nelson #NewZealand.
'RAW - work outside the edge' is presented by Arts Council Nelson and showcases work submitted to Arts Council Nelson’s nationwide call to artists who find their artwork just doesn’t seem to fit in with most mainstream galleries, that is a little edgy, naive or perhaps even ‘un-refined’. 10 May - 16 June 2018. Opening Event - Friday 11 May 5;30 - 6:30pm. All Welcome.
November 2022