The Refinery ArtSpace - Miniature Sculpture Garden – Needs You, Now!
Arts Council Nelson [ACN] is undertaking a project intended to attract active engagement from creative members of the wider community of any age. We wish to establish a fun and interesting arts experience for families and art lovers alike.
The aim is to further develop a clear point of difference to the Refinery ArtSpace, adding value to the facility being a Nelson ‘must go see’ for residents and visitors alike.
The Big Little Idea is to develop the exterior spaces of the Refinery into a ‘Miniature Sculpture Garden’ displaying tiny sculptures and/or mini installations, which may be clearly sited, or placed so that visitors need to search for the works and/or may be discovered by chance. A few pieces are already in place as a start, but we need lots more and now invite you to join us to make this a reality, by contributing as many tiny works for the space as you like.
We are totally open to, and welcome, all comers for this initiative although contributors should read the following before deciding to add to the growing collection of pieces springing up over the coming months
General guidelines:
- Individual pieces or installations can be as tiny as you like, but should be no bigger than a tissue box (approximately 200mmx100mmx100mm).
- Works can be made from any materials and could be ephemeral or permanent in nature. However, our preference is obviously for pieces able to stand up to the weather. Ready-made objects are fine providing you put your own twist to them or by changing their context in placement.
- Pieces may arrive fixed to a base or we can adhere them suitably when they arrive. Alternatively, self-standing pieces not likely to be blown away by the wind may be sited on existing forms in the garden (e.g. rocks, tress, etc)
- We are open to accepting pieces designed to be attached to the building or existing structures, however, staff will need to be consulted about these prior to siting.
- Works not intended to be fixed to the building may be placed anonymously, otherwise simply bring them along to the Refinery ArtSpace, 3, Halifax St, Nelson now and we will find a spot for them with you.
- Given that there would be on-going security issues with small works in a public place, pieces will need to be donated toward the project for display, either outright or possibly on ‘loan’ for an agreed period.
- Artists /contributors participate on the understanding that ACN cannot be held responsible for possible loss or damage to pieces.
- Works will not be for sale, nor will there be any display labelling (i.e. work titles, artists names or other work details).
- ACN reserve the right to photograph works for use in promotional and reporting purposes without artist acknowledgements.
- ACN reserve the right to decline or remove works in the unlikely event it deems them to be unsuitable or may cause offense in any way.
Do not hesitate to contact us on 548 4640 or Lloyd on 027 326 9166, if you have any questions.
Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected]